Çağrı Merkezi: 0 232 424 06 34
Çağrı Merkezi : +90 (232) 424 06 34
Düğün : 0533 777 99 26
Günübirlik Plaj Girişleri ve Üyelikler : (0232) 812 36 50 - +90 533 777 99 27

Guests coming to Foça by car can use the Çanakkale – Izmir highway or, if coming from Istanbul, the Bursa – Manisa – Menemen route. Istanbul – Foça is 630 km (around 8 hours). There are two main roads that connect Foça to the main highway. Approaching from the south (Izmir) take a left turn off the Çanakkale – Izmir highway at 40th km, drive for another 26 km to Foça town centre and then another 4 km to the resort (signed upon entry to Foça. Approaching from the north (Çanakkale) take a right turn at the Yeni Foça – Foça junction. The 22 km road between Yeni Foça – Foça is a coastal road with exquisite scenery of mostly unspoilt nature. Guests staying at Hanedan Beach Hotel who wish to explore the region may drive north for 65 km and visit the ancient sites in Bergama, which include (Pergamum), Akslepion, the Acropolis (containing the world’s steepest amphitheatre), the city museum and ancient town centre. Other nearby sites of attractions include Selçuk (Ephesus) -144 km, Izmir (Smyrna) – 65 km, Manisa (Magnesia) -55 km, Sasali Bird Sanctuary and Wildlife Park – 50 km.